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K. Alexandra at work

ITS THE perfect TIME
INTO A reality

So, you've had your *aha* moment! You've realised the best way to get quality samples fast, is to invest in tech packs, but what happens next?

Just fill out our new client form below and we'll get back to you within 7 business days. The more information about your brand and collection the better, so don't be shy to share all the details!  
If we can help you, we'll get you booked in straight away for an informal chat and discovery call. 
Your collection is your baby and you need to make sure we're the perfect fit for you as much as you are for us.
After our call, we'll send you a bespoke collection proposal, outlining how we can help you including pricing and timelines. If, after reviewing your proposal, you'd like to move forward, we can get started on the fun stuff! 
S T U D I O  W E L C O M E  P A C K A G E

Check your inbox!

Enter your email to receive our K. Alexandra Welcome Package where you can check out more from our portfolio, a sample client list and what to expect working with us.


O N  A V E R A G E ,  H O W  M U C H  D O E S  A  P A C K A G E  C O S T ?
How long is a piece of string? It depends! 
Every project is different because every client has different needs, big and small. We work with all sizes of budgets and obviously the more you have to invest in your collection, the larger and more complex it can be. Chat to us so we can create a bespoke project quote for you.
W H A T  I F  I  D O N ' T  K N O W  W H I C H  S E R V I C E S  I  N E E D ?
Don't worry in the slightest! Once we've had a chat and got to grips with where your brand is at (in terms of design development) we'll make some suggestions as to which services you would benefit from the most. 
D O  Y O U  O F F E R  P A Y M E N T  P L A N S ?
Finally taking the plunge to launch another (or your first!) collection is an investment, so of course we certainly have payment plans in place.
W H E R E  C A N  I  U S E  Y O U R  T E C H  P A C K S ?
Because we believe a quality tech pack should transcend language barriers and our tech packs follow industry-tested layouts and terminology, this means they can be used in factories world-wide - no matter whether you decide to manufacture domestically or overseas.
S T I L L  H A V E  Q U E S T I O N S ?
Drop us an email to and we'll get back to you!

I CAN'T wait

Thanks for sharing, I'll get back to you very shortly!

K. Alexandra portfolio work
K. Alexandra portfolio work
K. Alexandra
"All the expertise of an agency,
holding your hand like a friend."
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T E C H  P A C K  S P E C I A L I S T
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